Se întâmplă fenomene cu adevărat bizare la echipa care trebuia să fie noua mare forță a fotbalului românesc. Un fost jucător de la Dinamo București a dezvăluit ce i se pare lui ciudat la clubul […] The post Fenomene paranormale la clubul care trebuia să fie noua putere a fotbalului românesc. Plecări inexplicabile ale numelor grele din proiect: „Se întâmplă lucruri extrem de ciudate” appeared first on Prosport.
The article discusses unusual events and paranormal phenomena attributed to a Romanian football club that aimed to become dominant in the sport.
Key points:
* Unprecedented departures: The club has experienced inexplicable departures of prominent players from the project.
* Belief in the paranormal: Individuals involved claim that "things are happening that are extremely strange" and suggest a supernatural influence.
* Club's potential: Despite the bizarre happenings, the club was poised to be a major force in Romanian football.
The article intertwines narratives of ambition and success with eerie events, raising questions about the influence of the paranormal on the club's trajectory.
The article discusses unusual events and paranormal phenomena attributed to a Romanian football club that aimed to become dominant in the sport. Key points: * Unprecedented departures: The club has experienced inexplicable departures of prominent players from the project. * Belief in the paranormal: Individuals involved claim that "things are happening that are extremely strange" and suggest a supernatural influence. * Club's potential: Despite the bizarre happenings, the club was poised to be a major force in Romanian football. The article intertwines narratives of ambition and success with eerie events, raising questions about the influence of the paranormal on the club's trajectory.